Driving near a semi-truck can be risky. If the driver of the truck suddenly brakes or loses control, then you may find yourself involved in an accident that you had no way of swerving to avoid. It isn’t uncommon for those who have been injured in a truck accident to pursue compensation for what they have been through with help from a legal team. Ultimately, we cannot control how another driver chooses to operate their vehicle, but we can take steps to drive safely around a semi-truck when we are near their presence on the roadway.
If you can’t see the side mirrors, the trucker can’t see you.
You may or may not have heard the saying that if you cannot see the side mirrors on a semi truck, then the trucker probably cannot see you. This is due to the position of the mirrors and size of the vehicle. Semi trucks are taller than other cars, and they are longer too. This means that truckers are often limited to what they can see in their side mirrors. But most drivers are not aware of the unique hindrance that truckers experience, and may not realize when they are in their blind spot. This can cause a driver to be forced off the road when a truck makes a change of lanes.
Pay attention and refrain from being distracted.
Driving while distracted is strongly discouraged. You may think that only a second or two checking your phone or doing something else isn’t going to matter much, but it does. Driving around semi trucks is not the time to become distracted. Distractions can be dangerous, particularly if you are near a vast commercial vehicle. To protect yourself and your passengers, leave your phone off and out of the way so that you are not tempted to check it. Keep your full attention to the road, and if you need to rest or make a call, then pull over before doing so.
Pass a semi truck only when it is safe and legal.
As a truck accident attorney explains, most people who find themselves positioned behind a semi truck are going to move to get around them. This is because the presence of a truck up ahead usually makes people feel uneasy, and they’d rather get ahead of them so they can create more distance. No matter how badly you may want to pass a semi truck, especially if they are slowing you down, only pass when it is safe and legal to do so. Before you pass, check to make sure there is enough room and pass on the left unless the trucker is occupying the farthest left lane. Use your signal, and change lanes without getting too close to the rear or front. Do not cut a truck off by changing lanes quickly. Semi trucks require additional time to slow down or stop and may not be able to do so if you have not allowed sufficient space.